I strongly suggest moving to 4.0 and to set up Reaper.  Managing repairs
yourself is a waste of time, and you're almost certainly not doing it


On Tue, Dec 17, 2024 at 12:40 PM Miguel Santos-Lopez <mlo...@ims.tech>

> We haven’t had the chance to upgrade to 4, let alone 5. Has there been a
> big chance wrt to repairs since the old days of 3.11? :-)
> In my experience the problems have been on one hand a performance &
> latency hit, but also a lack of flexibility in the tooling: often I had
> repairs failing and the only option I know of using plain nodetool is to
> restart again the repair. I ended up wrapping the call to nodetool in a
> bash script allowing only selected keyspaces and tables to be repaired.
> In this way I get a clear picture of what failed and can then do a
> reliable “resume” with very extra effort.
> I would also add the time it takes. Afaik you don’t want to run more than
> two repairs at the same time. Depending on the  load and number of nodes
> it easily becomes a tedious task.
> My view might well be biased by running that old version on a less than
> optimal cluster -improved only a couple of weeks ago, so I still have to
> see how it translates to repairs.
> *Miguel A. Santos*
> *Senior Platform Engineer*
> *e* mlo...@ims.tech <http://www.ims.tech/>
> *w* ims.tech <http://www.ims.tech/>
> *t *+1 226 339 8357 <http://www.ims.tech/>
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> ------------------------------
> *From:* Josh McKenzie <jmcken...@apache.org>
> *Sent:* Tuesday, December 17, 2024 3:11:06 PM
> *To:* user@cassandra.apache.org <user@cassandra.apache.org>
> *Subject:* Re: Cassandra 5 Upgrade - Storage Compatibility Modes
> It's kind of a shame we don't have rolling restart functionality built in
> to the database / sidecar. I know we've discussed that in the past.
> +1 to Jon's question - clients (i.e. java driver, etc) should be able to
> handle disconnects gracefully and route to other coordinators leaving the
> application-facing symptom being a blip on latency. Are you seeing
> something else more painful, or is it more just not having the built-in
> tooling / instrumentation to make it a clean reproducible operation?
> On Tue, Dec 17, 2024, at 2:24 PM, Jon Haddad wrote:
> Just curious, why is a rolling restart difficult?  Is it a tooling issue,
> stability, just overall fear of messing with things?
> You *should* be able to do a rolling restart without it being an issue.  I
> look at this as a fundamental workflow that every C* operator should have
> available, and you should be able to do them without there being any
> concern.
> Jon
> On 2024/12/17 16:01:06 Paul Chandler wrote:
> > All,
> >
> > We are getting a lot of push back on the 3 stage process of going
> through the three compatibility modes to upgrade to Cassandra 5. This
> basically means 3 rolling restarts of a cluster, which will be difficult
> for some of our large multi DC clusters.
> >
> > Having researched this, it looks like, if you are not going to create
> large TTL’s, it would be possible to go straight from C*4 to C*5 with SCM
> NONE. This seems to be the same as it would have been going from 4.0 -> 4.1
> >
> > Is there any reason why this should not be done? Has anyone had
> experience of upgrading in this way?
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Paul Chandler
> >
> >

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