Hi jiri,

Thank you for your feedback. I understand that using ALLOW FILTERING can
lead to longer processing times and impact our SLA.

However, I want to clarify that the queries in question are running only on
the partition key. The WHERE clause is utilizing only the partition column
for filtering, and additional columns are not being used for further

On Thu, Oct 24, 2024 at 10:15 AM Jiri Steuer (EIT) <jiri.ste...@embedit.com>

> Hi Naman,
> To be honest, in case of allow filtering ... you can expect Langer
> processing time and you cannot keep SLA. Can you use indexes and remove
> allow filtering?
> NOTE: you can use SAI in version 5
> Regards
>      Jiri
> Zasláno z Outlooku pro Android <https://aka.ms/AAb9ysg>
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> ------------------------------
> *Od:* Naman kaushik <namankaush...@gmail.com>
> *Odesláno:* čtvrtek, října 24, 2024 6:26:27 dop.
> *Komu:* user@cassandra.apache.org <user@cassandra.apache.org>
> *Předmět:* [External]Cross-Node Latency Issues
> This message is from an EXTERNAL SENDER - be CAUTIOUS, particularly with
> links and attachments.
> Please report all suspicious e-mails to helpd...@embedit.com
> ------------------------------
> Hello everyone,
> We are currently using Cassandra 4.1.3 in a two-data-center cluster.
> Recently, we observed cross-node latency spikes of 3-4 seconds in one of
> our data centers. Below are the relevant logs from all three nodes in this
> DC:
> DEBUG [ScheduledTasks:1] 2024-10-20 02:46:43,164 MonitoringTask.java:174 - 
> 413 operations were slow in the last 5001 msecs:
> <SELECT ItemDetails, ItemDocuments, ItemISQDetails, ItemMappings, 
> LastModified, ItemImages, ItemTitles, ItemCategories, ItemRating, 
> ApprovalStatus, LocalName, UserIdentifier, IsDisplayed, VariantOptions FROM 
> product_data.item_table WHERE item_table_display_id = 2854462277448 LIMIT 
> 5000 ALLOW FILTERING>, time 3400 msec - slow timeout 500 msec
> <SELECT AlternateMasterCategoryData, MasterCategoryData, MasterGroupData, 
> MasterSubCategoryData, MasterParentCategoryData FROM 
> product_data.taxonomy_table WHERE master_id = 6402 LIMIT 5000 ALLOW 
> FILTERING>, time 2309 msec - slow timeout 500 msec/cross-node
> <SELECT ItemDetails, ItemDocuments, ItemISQDetails, ItemMappings, 
> LastModified, ItemImages, ItemTitles, ItemCategories, ItemRating, 
> ApprovalStatus, LocalName, UserIdentifier, IsDisplayed, VariantOptions FROM 
> product_data.item_table WHERE item_table_display_id = 24279823548 LIMIT 5000 
> ALLOW FILTERING>, time 3287 msec - slow timeout 500 msec/cross-node
> <SELECT ItemDetails, ItemDocuments, ItemISQDetails, ItemMappings, 
> LastModified, ItemImages, ItemTitles, ItemCategories, ItemRating,
> ApprovalStatus, LocalName, UserIdentifier, IsDisplayed, VariantOptions FROM 
> product_data.item_table WHERE item_table_display_id = 2854486264330 LIMIT 
> 5000 ALLOW FILTERING>, time 2878 msec - slow timeout 500 msec/cross-node
> <SELECT AlternateMasterCategoryData, MasterCategoryData, MasterGroupData, 
> MasterSubCategoryData, MasterParentCategoryData FROM 
> product_data.taxonomy_table WHERE master_id = 27245 LIMIT 5000 ALLOW 
> FILTERING>, time 3056 msec - slow timeout 500 msec/cross-node
> <SELECT AlternateMasterCategoryData, MasterCategoryData, MasterGroupData, 
> MasterSubCategoryData, MasterParentCategoryData FROM 
> product_data.taxonomy_table WHERE master_id = 32856 LIMIT 5000 ALLOW 
> FILTERING>, time 2353 msec - slow timeout 500 msec/cross-node
> <SELECT AlternateMasterCategoryData, MasterCategoryData, MasterGroupData, 
> MasterSubCategoryData, MasterParentCategoryData FROM 
> product_data.taxonomy_table WHERE master_id = 95589 LIMIT 5000 ALLOW 
> FILTERING>, time 2224 msec - slow timeout 500 msec/cross-node
> <SELECT ItemDetails, ItemDocuments, ItemISQDetails, ItemMappings, 
> LastModified, ItemImages, ItemTitles, ItemCategories, ItemRating, 
> ApprovalStatus, LocalName, UserIdentifier, IsDisplayed, VariantOptions FROM 
> product_data.item_table WHERE item_table_display_id = 2854514159012 LIMIT 
> 5000 ALLOW FILTERING>, time 3396 msec - slow timeout 500 msec
> Upon investigation, we found no GC pauses at the time of the latency, and
> CPU and memory utilization across all nodes appeared normal. Additionally,
> latency metrics from Grafana also showed standard performance.
> Given these observations, we are trying to identify the potential causes
> of this latency. Any insights or suggestions from the community would be
> greatly appreciated!
> Thank you!

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