The Cassandra team is pleased to announce the release of Apache Cassandra
version 4.0.14.

Apache Cassandra is a fully distributed database. It is the right choice
when you need scalability and high availability without compromising

Downloads of source and binary distributions are listed in our download

This version is a bug fix release[1] on the 4.0 series. As always, please
pay attention to the release notes[2] and Let us know[3] if you were to
encounter any problem.

This release introduces safeguards and observability into possible data
loss scenarios when nodes have a  divergent view of the cluster. This
happens around edge-cases on unsafe bootstrapping, decommissions, or when a
node has a corrupted topology. Two configuration options have been added:
`log_out_of_token_range_requests` and
 `reject_out_of_token_range_requests`, both enabled by default. The former
will make nodes log requests they receive that don't belong in their
current or pending token ranges. The latter will reject those requests,
which prevents any eventual data loss that can occur but may also incur
small windows of degraded availability during range movements. See
CASSANDRA-13704 for further details.


[1]: CHANGES.txt
[2]: NEWS.txt

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