This Cassandra Summit is going to be epic!
Looking forward to meet the Cassandra community in two weeks! 🤘👋

On Wed, 29 Nov 2023 at 18:26 Patrick McFadin <> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> We are a couple of weeks away from Cassandra Summit. People get busy and
> forget to register or miss that there is even a summit happening. Let's
> make sure everyone who wants to go gets a chance!
>  - If you are going, get on the social media of your choice and let
> everyone know you'll be there. Use the hashtag #cassandrasmunnit
>  - If you aren't going, you can still remind other folks that it's
> happening and the talks you think they should check out.
> Either way, here is the basic info to include in your post:
> *Schedule:
> <>Register:
> <>Discount
> code: 23CS20*
> *One more thing! If you are going and reading this, reply to this email
> with a "Going!" or "See you there!" I would love to see who will be there
> in two weeks. *
> *Patrick*

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