Hello Bowen, Jon,

Thank you for your answers.
I will continue investigating following your advice, currently there is no
performance issue, and we have good HW etc, so probably no need to optimize

Have a good day,


Le lun. 27 nov. 2023 à 20:00, Jon Haddad <rustyrazorbl...@apache.org> a
écrit :

> I haven't found chunk cache to be particularly useful.  It's a fairly
> small cache that could only help when you're dealing with a small hot
> dataset.  I wouldn't bother increasing memory for it.
> Key cache can be helpful, but it depends on the workload.  I generally
> recommend optimizing for your HW first for the case where you don't hit
> cache.
> Generally, cache is used to make up for issues with bottlenecked I/O.  If
> you haven't already done so, I recommend taking a look at what you're
> actually doing in terms of device I/O (bitehist), compare that to what's
> being requested to your filesystem (ebpf probe + histo on vfs_read) and
> looking at your page cache hit rate with cachestat.  You're likely to find
> you've got a ton of read amplification due to either misconfigured
> compression or read ahead, both of which can saturate your disks and make
> it appear like you need to give more memory to cache.  I always recommend
> optimizing things for the worst cache (all cache misses) then use cache to
> improve things vs papering over an underlying perf issue.
> I wrote a bunch about this recently:
> https://rustyrazorblade.com/post/2023/2023-11-07-async-profiler/
> https://rustyrazorblade.com/post/2023/2023-11-14-bcc-tools/
> https://rustyrazorblade.com/post/2023/2023-11-21-bpftrace/
> Jon
> On 2023/11/27 14:59:55 Sébastien Rebecchi wrote:
> > Hello
> >
> > When I use nodetool info, it prints that relevant information
> >
> > Heap Memory (MB)       : 14229.31 / 32688.00
> > Off Heap Memory (MB)   : 5390.57
> > Key Cache              : entries 670423, size 100 MiB, capacity 100 MiB,
> > 13152259 hits, 47205855 requests, 0.279 recent hit rate, 14400 save
> period
> > in seconds
> > Chunk Cache            : entries 63488, size 992 MiB, capacity 992 MiB,
> > 143250511 misses, 162302465 requests, 0.117 recent hit rate, 2497.557
> > microseconds miss latency
> >
> > Here I focus on lines relevant for that conversation. And the numbers are
> > roughly the same for all nodes of the cluster.
> > The key and chunk caches are full and the hit rate is low. At the same
> time
> > the heap memory is far from being used at full capacity.
> > I would say that I can significantly increase the sizes of those caches
> in
> > order to increase hit rate and improve performance.
> > In cassandra.yaml, key_cache_size_in_mb has a blank value, so 100 MiB by
> > default, and file_cache_size_in_mb is set to 1024.
> > I'm thinking about setting key_cache_size_in_mb to 1024
> > and file_cache_size_in_mb to 2048. What would you recommend? Is anyone
> > having good experience with tuning those parameters?
> >
> > Thank you in advance.
> >
> > Sébastien.
> >

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