GC tuning may seem like it's the best move, but more than likely, that is
just the smoke from the real fire. Can you go more into your configuration?
Memory. CPU. DIsk. Many times, GC is what shows up when running out of disk
bandwidth or some other process eating up resources.


On Mon, Sep 19, 2022 at 3:45 AM Michail Kotsiouros via user <
user@cassandra.apache.org> wrote:

> Hello community,
> I observe some GC pauses while trying to create snapshots of a keyspace.
> The GC pauses as such are not long, even though they are reported in logs.
> The problem is the CPU utilization which affects other applications
> deployed in my server.
> Do you have any articles or recommendations about tuning GC in Cassandra?
> Thank you in advance.
> BR
> MK

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