I agree with Marc. We use the cassandra-topology.properties file (and PropertyFileSnitch) for our deployments. Having a file different on every node has never made sense to me. There would still have to be some master file somewhere from which to generate that individual node file. There is the (slight) penalty that a change in topology requires the distribution of a new file and a rolling restart.
Long live the PropertyFileSnitch! 😉 Sean R. Durity From: Paulo Motta <pauloricard...@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday, June 2, 2022 8:59 AM To: user@cassandra.apache.org Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: Topology vs RackDC It think topology file is better for static clusters, while rackdc for dynamic clusters where users can add/remove hosts without needing to update the topology file on all hosts. On Thu, 2 Jun 2022 at 09:13 Marc Hoppins <marc.hopp...@eset.com<mailto:marc.hopp...@eset.com>> wrote: Hi all, Why is RACKDC preferred for production than TOPOLOGY? Surely one common file is far simpler to distribute than deal with the mucky-muck of various configs for each host if they are in one rack or another and/or one datacentre or another? It is also fairly self-documenting of the setup with the entire cluster there in one file. From what I read in the documentation, regardless of which snitch one implements, cassandra-topology.properties will get read, either as a primary or as a backup...so why not just use topology for ALL cases? Thanks Marc INTERNAL USE