the % numbers seen high for a clean network and a reasonable fast client.
The 5% really not reasonable. No jumbo frames? No network retries

*Daemeon Reiydelle*

*email: <>*
*San Francisco 1.415.501.0198/Skype daemeon.c.m.reiydelle*

*"Why is it so hard to rhyme either Life or Love?" - Sondheim*

On Sun, Feb 6, 2022 at 6:06 PM Dinesh Joshi <> wrote:

> I wish there was an easy answer to this question. Like you pointed out it
> is hardware dependent but software stack plays a big part. For instance,
> the JVM you're running makes a difference too. Cassandra comes with netty
> and IIRC we include tcnative which accelerates TLS. You could also slip
> Amazon's Corretto Crypto Provider into your runtime. I am not suggesting
> using everything all at once but a combination of libraries, runtimes, JVM,
> OS, cipher suites can make a big difference. Therefore it is best to try it
> out on your stack.
> Typically modern hardware has accelerators for common encryption
> algorithms. If the software stack enables you to optimally take advantage
> of the hardware then you could see very little to no impact on latencies.
> Cassandra maintains persistent connections therefore the visible impact is
> on connection establishment time (TLS handshake is expensive). Encryption
> will make thundering herd problems worse. You should watch out for those
> two issues.
> Dinesh
> On Feb 5, 2022, at 3:53 AM, onmstester onmstester <>
> wrote:
> Hi,
> Anyone measured impact of wire encryption using TLS
> (client_encryption/server_encryption) on cluster latency/throughput?
> It may be dependent on Hardware or even data model but I already did some
> sort of measurements and got to 2% for client encryption and 3-5% for
> client + server encryption and wanted to validate that with community.
> Best Regards
> Sent using Zoho Mail <>

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