> At this point, is there a more precise release date for Cassandra 4.1?  We 
> are trying to get on 3.11.x prior to earlier releases going eol and a more 
> specific date then April would be of great help in our project planning.  
> Even if it is the classic s/w answer of eom.  Thanks…

Apologies Sean, this is not something the community can provide an exact date 

The community's agreed plan is to make the first cut of 4.1 in May. This may be 
4.1-alpha1 or 4.1-beta1. From there the time it takes to get to 4.1-rc1 and 
4.1.0 we do not know.

Also, my understanding is that the community will maintain 3.0.x until 4.1.0 is 
formally released. 

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