Thank You

I'm going to achieve the most possible (write) throughput with Cassandra and 
care less about latency, recommendations from community suggests that better to 
use G1GC with 16GB heap, but when i already got 92% throughput with CMS, should 
i consider changing it?

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---- On Tue, 16 Nov 2021 16:52:29 +0330 Bowen Song <> wrote ----

Do you have any performance issues? such as long STW GC pauses or
      high p99.9 latency? If not, then you shouldn't tune the GC for the
      sake of it. However, if you do have performance issues related to
      GC, regardless what is the GC metric you are looking at saying,
      you will need to address the issue and that probably will involve
      some GC tunings.

On 15/11/2021 06:00, onmstester
      onmstester wrote:


We are using Apache Cassandra 3.11.2 with its default gc
          configuration (CMS and ...) on a 16GB heap, i inspected gc
          logs using gcviewer and it reported 92% of throughput, is that
          means not necessary to do any further tuning for gc? and
          everything is ok with gc of Cassandra?

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