Close 300 gb data. Nodetool decommission/removenode and added back one node
ans it came back to 22Gb.
Cant run major compaction as no space much left.

On Friday, September 17, 2021, Bowen Song <> wrote:

> Okay, so how big exactly is the data on disk? You said removing and adding
> a new node gives you 20GB on disk, was that done via the
> '-Dcassandra.replace_address=...' parameter? If not, the new node will
> almost certainly have a different token range and not directly comparable
> to the existing node if you have uneven partitions or small number of
> partitions in the table. Also, try major compaction, it's a lot easier than
> replacing a node.
> On 17/09/2021 12:28, Abdul Patel wrote:
> Yes i checked and cleared all snapshots and also i had incremental backups
> in backup folder ..i removed the same .. its purely data..
> On Friday, September 17, 2021, Bowen Song <> wrote:
>> Assuming your total disk space is a lot bigger than 50GB in size
>> (accounting for disk space amplification, commit log, logs, OS data, etc.),
>> I would suspect the disk space is being used by something else. Have you
>> checked that the disk space is actually being used by the cassandra data
>> directory? If so, have a look at 'nodetool listsnapshots' command output as
>> well.
>> On 17/09/2021 05:48, Abdul Patel wrote:
>>> Hello
>>> We have cassandra with leveledcompaction strategy, recently found
>>> filesystem almost 90% full but the data was only 10m records.
>>> Manual compaction will work? As not sure its recommended and space is
>>> also constraint ..tried removing and adding one node and now data is at
>>> 20GB which looks appropropiate.
>>> So is only solution to reclaim space is remove/add node?

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