I thought durable_writes is the solution. -Arvinder
On Mon, Jul 26, 2021, 1:00 PM Leon Zaruvinsky <leonzaruvin...@gmail.com> wrote: > Hi Cassandra community, > > We (and others) regularly run into commit log corruptions that are caused > by Cassandra, or the underlying infrastructure, being hard restarted. I > suspect that this is because it happens in the middle of a commitlog file > write to disk. > > Could anyone point me at resources / code to understand why this is > happening? Shouldn't Cassandra not be acking writes until the commitlog is > safely written to disk? I would expect that on startup, Cassandra should > be able to clean up bad commitlog files and recover gracefully. > > I've seen various references online to this issue as something that will > be fixed in the future - so I'm curious if there is any movement or > thoughts there. > > Thanks a bunch, > Leon >