
Which of the below approaches should be followed to add a new DC to an
existing DC -

Approach 1-

   1. Create a new DC say DC2 of say 3 nodes while booting the first node
   as seed=true and subsequently using it as seed for the remaining two nodes.
   2. Now restart all the 3 nodes while providing the seed list from the
   already running DC, say DC1.
   3. Change of RFs of required keyspaces in DC1 to mention DC2.

Approach 2-

   1. Boot a new node with DC=DC2 and seed=false while providing seed list
   from DC1.
   2. Similarly, boot remaining two nodes while providing DC=DC2 and seed
   list from DC2 (node booted in previous step) & DC1.
   3. Change of RFs of required keyspaces in DC1 to mention DC2.

If someone could point to some already available documentation then that
would be great too.
Shaurya Gupta

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