
We need some help on cassandra repair and compact for a table that uses TWCS.  
We are running cassandra 4.0-rc1.  A database called test_db, biggest table 
"minute_rate", storing time-series data.  It has the following configuration:

CREATE TABLE test_db.minute_rate (
    market smallint,
    sin bigint,
    field smallint,
    slot timestamp,
    close frozen<pricerecord>,
    high frozen<pricerecord>,
    low frozen<pricerecord>,
    open frozen<pricerecord>,
    PRIMARY KEY ((market, sin, field), slot)
    AND additional_write_policy = '99p'
    AND bloom_filter_fp_chance = 0.01
    AND caching = {'keys': 'ALL', 'rows_per_partition': 'NONE'}
    AND cdc = false
    AND comment = ''
    AND compaction = {'class': 
'compaction_window_size': '4', 'compaction_window_unit': 'HOURS', 
'max_threshold': '32', 'min_threshold': '4'}
    AND compression = {'chunk_length_in_kb': '64', 'class': 
    AND crc_check_chance = 1.0
    AND default_time_to_live = 604800
    AND extensions = {}
    AND gc_grace_seconds = 86400
    AND max_index_interval = 2048
    AND memtable_flush_period_in_ms = 0
    AND min_index_interval = 128
    AND read_repair = 'BLOCKING'
    AND speculative_retry = '99p';

minute_rate is configured to use TWCS.  We can see that it creates about 8 data 
files per day.  Each data file is relatively small size around 2GB each.  so 
far so good.

However, when "nodetool compact test_db minute_rate" ran on the weekend, it 
seems to consolidate all small data files into one big files.  nodetool compact 
after 2 or 3 weeks we ended up having bigger and bigger data files.  eating up 
all disk space on the machine.

>From what I understand about TWCS, cassandra will simply drop the data files 
>when the records inside the data file is older than default_time_to_live of 
>604800 (7 days).  But somehow this is not what we are seeing.  When I 
>sstablemetadata the oldest data file (sample below), I can see tombstone drop 
>time all got updated.  Resulting in the data file never get removed.

This lead me to think I am configuring things the wrong way.  So I want to know 
when using TWCS, do we need to repair and compact?

I saw in cassandra-reaper (we use reaper for repair) it is configured to skip 

Should I stop running "nodetool compact test_db minute_rate"?  If without 
"nodetool compact", will cassandra clean up the tombstoned data file?


# sstablemetadata na-6681303-big-Data.db
Partitioner: org.apache.cassandra.dht.Murmur3Partitioner
Bloom Filter FP chance: 0.01
Minimum timestamp: 1622528285761740 (06/01/2021 06:18:05)
Maximum timestamp: 1624699757821614 (06/26/2021 09:29:17)
SSTable min local deletion time: 1624767191 (06/27/2021 04:13:11)
SSTable max local deletion time: 2147483647 (no tombstones)
Compressor: org.apache.cassandra.io.compress.LZ4Compressor
Compression ratio: 0.2753232939720765
TTL min: 0
TTL max: 604800 (7 days)
First token: -9223371506914883753 (3870:16432974:7)
Last token: 9223358359954725918 (505:23187788:6)
minClusteringValues: [2021-04-12T16:54:00.000Z]
maxClusteringValues: [2021-06-26T09:28:00.000Z]
Estimated droppable tombstones: 0.3683520383378445
SSTable Level: 0
Repaired at: 0
Pending repair: --
Replay positions covered: {}
totalColumnsSet: 17179881008
totalRows: 4413102532
Estimated tombstone drop times:
   Drop Time                        | Count      (%)  Histogram
   1624768080 (06/27/2021 04:28:00) |         2 (  0)
   1624771440 (06/27/2021 05:24:00) |        98 (  0)
   1624777020 (06/27/2021 06:57:00) |        85 (  0)
   1624781640 (06/27/2021 08:14:00) |        74 (  0)
   1624786080 (06/27/2021 09:28:00) |        74 (  0)
   1624790280 (06/27/2021 10:38:00) |        66 (  0)
   1624794900 (06/27/2021 11:55:00) |        87 (  0)
   1624800060 (06/27/2021 13:21:00) |        83 (  0)
   1624804680 (06/27/2021 14:38:00) |    108064 (  0)
   1624809180 (06/27/2021 15:53:00) |    304148 (  0)
   1624812540 (06/27/2021 16:49:00) |    133188 (  0)
   1624819440 (06/27/2021 18:44:00) |        88 (  0)
   1624824060 (06/27/2021 20:01:00) |        73 (  0)
   1624828080 (06/27/2021 21:08:00) |        66 (  0)
   1624832520 (06/27/2021 22:22:00) |         1 (  0)
   1624835880 (06/27/2021 23:18:00) |  23578916 (  0) o
   1624839720 (06/28/2021 00:22:00) |  21783899 (  0) o
   1624843740 (06/28/2021 01:29:00) |  22758204 (  0) o
   1624848120 (06/28/2021 02:42:00) |  25237306 (  0) o
   1624853520 (06/28/2021 04:12:00) |  44003185 (  0) O.
   1624858080 (06/28/2021 05:28:00) | 145977595 (  0) OOOOO
   1624862460 (06/28/2021 06:41:00) | 331875915 (  1) OOOOOOOOOOOo
   1624866060 (06/28/2021 07:41:00) | 463284230 (  2) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
   1624869540 (06/28/2021 08:39:00) | 455732185 (  2) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
   1624873140 (06/28/2021 09:39:00) | 492533095 (  2) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
   1624876620 (06/28/2021 10:37:00) | 481999210 (  2) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
   1624880280 (06/28/2021 11:38:00) | 498443030 (  2) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo
   1624883940 (06/28/2021 12:39:00) | 520404180 (  2) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
   1624887840 (06/28/2021 13:44:00) | 581806225 (  2) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
   1624891680 (06/28/2021 14:48:00) | 581503090 (  2) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
   1624895220 (06/28/2021 15:47:00) | 465873220 (  2) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
   1624898820 (06/28/2021 16:47:00) | 406239880 (  1) OOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
   1624902600 (06/28/2021 17:50:00) | 429656505 (  1) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
   1624906500 (06/28/2021 18:55:00) | 410067155 (  1) OOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
   1624910460 (06/28/2021 20:01:00) | 365053925 (  1) OOOOOOOOOOOOO
   1624914480 (06/28/2021 21:08:00) |  58380400 (  0) OO
   1624919700 (06/28/2021 22:35:00) |  23698865 (  0) o
   1624956900 (06/29/2021 08:55:00) |   3894845 (  0)
   1624960380 (06/29/2021 09:53:00) | 842061700 (  3) 
   1624963860 (06/29/2021 10:51:00) |   1423860 (  0)
   1624967820 (06/29/2021 11:57:00) |    698030 (  0)
   1624971900 (06/29/2021 13:05:00) | 240193520 (  1) OOOOOOOO.
   1624980000 (06/29/2021 15:20:00) |  78693575 (  0) OOo
   1624984680 (06/29/2021 16:38:00) |   8843580 (  0) .
   1624994220 (06/29/2021 19:17:00) | 101922005 (  0) OOO.
   1624999860 (06/29/2021 20:51:00) |  89190335 (  0) OOO
   1625005380 (06/29/2021 22:23:00) |  14607250 (  0) .
   1625021760 (06/30/2021 02:56:00) | 390529310 (  1) OOOOOOOOOOOOOo
   1625026020 (06/30/2021 04:07:00) |  26338835 (  0) o
   1625030760 (06/30/2021 05:26:00) |  17315030 (  0) .
   1625034180 (06/30/2021 06:23:00) |  17466955 (  0) .
   1625038260 (06/30/2021 07:31:00) | 476323610 (  2) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo
   1625043240 (06/30/2021 08:54:00) | 360663480 (  1) OOOOOOOOOOOOo
   1625047020 (06/30/2021 09:57:00) | 162371390 (  0) OOOOOo
   1625053380 (06/30/2021 11:43:00) | 131161180 (  0) OOOO.
   1625058780 (06/30/2021 13:13:00) |   8394630 (  0)
   1625062260 (06/30/2021 14:11:00) | 105939220 (  0) OOOo
   1625065680 (06/30/2021 15:08:00) |  76280800 (  0) OO.
   1625075940 (06/30/2021 17:59:00) |    501265 (  0)
   1625135880 (07/01/2021 10:38:00) | 761088820 (  3) 
   1625140140 (07/01/2021 11:49:00) | 511159205 (  2) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
   1625143980 (07/01/2021 12:53:00) | 492520020 (  2) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
   1625147580 (07/01/2021 13:53:00) | 520719095 (  2) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
   1625151180 (07/01/2021 14:53:00) | 504806855 (  2) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo
   1625154720 (07/01/2021 15:52:00) | 446265015 (  2) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo
   1625158380 (07/01/2021 16:53:00) | 408591530 (  1) OOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
   1625161980 (07/01/2021 17:53:00) | 407185215 (  1) OOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
   1625165700 (07/01/2021 18:55:00) | 387552375 (  1) OOOOOOOOOOOOOo
   1625169840 (07/01/2021 20:04:00) | 352752965 (  1) OOOOOOOOOOOO.
   1625173800 (07/01/2021 21:10:00) |  61856610 (  0) OO
   1625178600 (07/01/2021 22:30:00) |       660 (  0)
   1625187720 (07/02/2021 01:02:00) | 127432425 (  0) OOOO.
   1625192100 (07/02/2021 02:15:00) | 110082460 (  0) OOOo
   1625196180 (07/02/2021 03:23:00) |  99408705 (  0) OOO.
   1625200080 (07/02/2021 04:28:00) |  96594150 (  0) OOO.
   1625204280 (07/02/2021 05:38:00) | 122591330 (  0) OOOO.
   1625208120 (07/02/2021 06:42:00) | 304278735 (  1) OOOOOOOOOOo
   1625211660 (07/02/2021 07:41:00) | 480851410 (  2) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
   1625215140 (07/02/2021 08:39:00) | 477311285 (  2) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
   1625218680 (07/02/2021 09:38:00) | 454566725 (  2) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
   1625222400 (07/02/2021 10:40:00) | 462280685 (  2) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
   1625225940 (07/02/2021 11:39:00) | 448421865 (  2) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo
   1625229780 (07/02/2021 12:43:00) | 492199905 (  2) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
   1625233680 (07/02/2021 13:48:00) | 545296705 (  2) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
   1625237520 (07/02/2021 14:52:00) | 542032490 (  2) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
   1625241120 (07/02/2021 15:52:00) | 439191210 (  2) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
   1625244720 (07/02/2021 16:52:00) | 384025420 (  1) OOOOOOOOOOOOO.
   1625248380 (07/02/2021 17:53:00) | 386264375 (  1) OOOOOOOOOOOOOo
   1625252280 (07/02/2021 18:58:00) | 378855715 (  1) OOOOOOOOOOOOO.
   1625256660 (07/02/2021 20:11:00) | 380212785 (  1) OOOOOOOOOOOOO.
   1625261280 (07/02/2021 21:28:00) |     12215 (  0)
   1625266380 (07/02/2021 22:53:00) |       455 (  0)
   1625271120 (07/03/2021 00:12:00) |       365 (  0)
   1625275200 (07/03/2021 01:20:00) |       330 (  0)
   1625279100 (07/03/2021 02:25:00) |       325 (  0)
   1625283360 (07/03/2021 03:36:00) |       355 (  0)
   1625289180 (07/03/2021 05:13:00) |      2080 (  0)
   1625294400 (07/03/2021 06:40:00) |         5 (  0)
   1625298000 (07/03/2021 07:40:00) |    697840 (  0)
   1625303040 (07/03/2021 09:04:00) |    621800 (  0)
   50th      1663415872 (09/17/2022 11:57:52)
   75th      1663415872 (09/17/2022 11:57:52)
   95th      1663415872 (09/17/2022 11:57:52)
   98th      1663415872 (09/17/2022 11:57:52)
   99th      1663415872 (09/17/2022 11:57:52)
   Min       1386179894 (12/04/2013 17:58:14)
   Max       1663415872 (09/17/2022 11:57:52)
Partition Size:
   Size (bytes)      | Count   (%)  Histogram
   72 (72 B)         |      3 (  0)
   103 (103 B)       |     10 (  0)
   215 (215 B)       |   4047 (  0)
   258 (258 B)       |      4 (  0)
   372 (372 B)       |   2803 (  0)
   535 (535 B)       |   2645 (  0)
   642 (642 B)       |      6 (  0)
   770 (770 B)       |   4157 (  0)
   924 (924 B)       |   3935 (  0)
   1109 (1.1 kB)     |  11326 (  0) .
   1331 (1.3 kB)     |  15721 (  0) o
   1597 (1.6 kB)     |   3963 (  0)
   1916 (1.9 kB)     |   4821 (  0)
   2299 (2.2 kB)     |   1526 (  0)
   2759 (2.7 kB)     |   2563 (  0)
   3311 (3.2 kB)     |   3520 (  0)
   3973 (3.9 kB)     |   2920 (  0)
   4768 (4.7 kB)     |   5226 (  0) .
   5722 (5.6 kB)     |   7591 (  0) .
   6866 (6.7 kB)     |   9223 (  0) .
   8239 (8.0 kB)     |   8735 (  0) .
   9887 (9.7 kB)     |   8812 (  0) .
   11864 (11.6 kB)   |  10849 (  0) .
   14237 (13.9 kB)   |  12796 (  0) o
   17084 (16.7 kB)   |  18246 (  0) O
   20501 (20.0 kB)   |  23489 (  0) O.
   24601 (24.0 kB)   |  31568 (  1) Oo
   29521 (28.8 kB)   |  37923 (  1) OO
   35425 (34.6 kB)   |  37482 (  1) OO
   42510 (41.5 kB)   |  45582 (  1) OO.
   51012 (49.8 kB)   |  51966 (  1) OOO
   61214 (59.8 kB)   |  61596 (  2) OOO.
   73457 (71.7 kB)   |  76006 (  2) OOOO.
   88148 (86.1 kB)   |  85373 (  3) OOOOO
   105778 (103.3 kB) |  95825 (  3) OOOOOo
   126934 (124.0 kB) | 102830 (  3) OOOOOO
   152321 (148.8 kB) | 113760 (  4) OOOOOOo
   182785 (178.5 kB) | 133287 (  4) OOOOOOOO
   219342 (214.2 kB) | 162030 (  5) OOOOOOOOO.
   263210 (257.0 kB) | 255776 (  9) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
   315852 (308.4 kB) | 267785 (  9) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
   379022 (370.1 kB) | 326228 ( 11) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
   454826 (444.2 kB) | 499363 ( 17) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
   545791 (533.0 kB) | 154907 (  5) OOOOOOOOO.
   654949 (639.6 kB) |  79305 (  2) OOOOo
   785939 (767.5 kB) |     16 (  0)
   50th      263210 (257.0 kB)
   75th      454826 (444.2 kB)
   95th      545791 (533.0 kB)
   98th      654949 (639.6 kB)
   99th      654949 (639.6 kB)
   Min       61 (61 B)
   Max       785939 (767.5 kB)
Column Count:
   Columns | Count   (%)  Histogram
   1       |   1575 (  0)
   4       |   4051 (  0)
   8       |   2805 (  0)
   12      |   2667 (  0)
   17      |   4151 (  0)
   20      |   3915 (  0)
   24      |  11321 (  0) o
   29      |   9564 (  0) .
   35      |   6160 (  0) .
   42      |   6606 (  0) .
   50      |   2437 (  0)
   60      |   2046 (  0)
   72      |   3431 (  0)
   86      |   3468 (  0)
   103     |   4385 (  0) .
   124     |   7725 (  0) .
   149     |   6543 (  0) .
   179     |   6714 (  0) .
   215     |   7848 (  0) .
   258     |   9551 (  0) .
   310     |  12224 (  0) o
   372     |  18113 (  0) O.
   446     |  22412 (  0) O.
   535     |  25057 (  0) Oo
   642     |  30530 (  1) OO
   770     |  33483 (  1) OO.
   924     |  41045 (  1) OOo
   1109    |  46979 (  1) OOO.
   1331    |  54195 (  1) OOOo
   1597    |  68071 (  2) OOOOo
   1916    |  77555 (  2) OOOOO.
   2299    |  87523 (  3) OOOOOO.
   2759    |  98115 (  3) OOOOOOO
   3311    | 105961 (  3) OOOOOOO.
   3973    | 119527 (  4) OOOOOOOO.
   4768    | 137830 (  4) OOOOOOOOOo
   5722    | 193041 (  6) OOOOOOOOOOOOOo
   6866    | 262273 (  9) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo
   8239    | 267143 (  9) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
   14237   | 126880 (  4) OOOOOOOOO
   17084   |  33068 (  1) OO.
   20501   |      1 (  0)
   50th      6866
   75th      9887
   95th      14237
   98th      14237
   99th      17084
   Min       0
   Max       20501
Estimated cardinality: 2772003
EncodingStats minTTL: 0
EncodingStats minLocalDeletionTime: 1624674132 (06/26/2021 02:22:12)
EncodingStats minTimestamp: 1622528285761740 (06/01/2021 06:18:05)
ClusteringTypes: [org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.TimestampType]
IsTransient: false

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