Thank you for your answer.

If I send all my create operations still from many clients but to 1
coordinator node, always the same, would it prevent schema mismatch?


Le ven. 28 mai 2021 à 01:14, Kane Wilson <> a écrit :

> Which client operations could trigger schema change at node level? Do you
>> mean that for ex creating a new table trigger a schema change globally, not
>> only at KS/table single level?
> Yes, any DDL statement (creating tables, altering, dropping, etc) triggers
> a schema change across the cluster (globally). All nodes need to be told of
> this schema change.
>> I don't have schema changes, except keyspaces and tables creations. But
>> they are done from multiple sources indeed. With a "create if not exists"
>> statement, on demand. Thanks you for your answer, I will try to see if I
>> could precreate them then.
>  Yep, definitely do that. You don't want to be issuing simultaneous create
> statements from different clients. IF NOT EXISTS won't necessarily catch
> all cases.
>> As for the schema mismatch, what is the best way of fixing that issue?
>> Could Cassandra recover from that on its own or is there a nodetool command
>> to force schema agreement? I have heard that we have to restart the nodes 1
>> by 1, but it seems a very heavy procedure for that.
> A rolling restart is usually enough to fix the issue. You might want to
> repair afterwards, and check that data didn't make it to different versions
> of the table on different nodes (in which case some more intervention may
> be necessary to save that data).
> --
> - Cassandra consulting, support, and managed services

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