Thanks for the response,

Is there a limit on how long I can run in mixed mode? Let's say if
datacenter 1 is upgraded and upgradesstables was run on day 1 and
datacenter 3 is upgraded and upgradesstables runs on day 10. Is that going
to be a big concern?

> 2 might be strictly safer if you trust internode mixed mode AND have a
way to fail out of a dc and rebuild it without violating consistency.
I tested the mixed mode and it works, but are there any catches that won't

I am okay to disable repair during this time.

On Wed, May 19, 2021 at 6:02 PM Jeff Jirsa <> wrote:

> > On May 19, 2021, at 5:15 PM, Jai Bheemsen Rao Dhanwada <
>> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > Hello,
> >
> > I am trying to get some suggestions on running upgradesstables(for a
> major version upgrade where there is a SSTable format change).
> >
> > The Cassandra cluster is set up in 3 datacenters with 18 nodes in each
> region and here are the 3 options that I am evaluating.
> >
> > 1. Run "nodetool upgradesstables" after every Cassandra node is upgraded
> to the new version.
> > 2. Upgrade cassandra version on one of the data centers, run "nodetool
> upgradesstables" and proceed to the next datacenter and so on.
> > 3.  Upgrade cassandra version on all the datacenters and run "nodetool
> upgradesstables" at the end on all the data centers.
> >
> > I am more interested in understanding option-2 where I upgrade the
> cassandra version and run upgradesstables for one data center and then
> proceed to the next datacenter and so on. Are there any disadvantages with
> this option?
> >
> The difference between 2 and 3 is how long you stay in mixed mode
> In 2, you could theoretically roll back the whole DC if you detect a
> failure and the app can fail out of that dc. It’d be hard but possible.
> In 3, you minimize mixed mode (internode), and the sstables largely
> upgrade themselves in high churn clusters through compaction.
> In theory 3 is probably faster, if you disable repair in mixed mode and
> until sstables are upgraded, 3 gets you done “faster” so repair can run
> again. 2 might be strictly safer if you trust internode mixed mode AND have
> a way to fail out of a dc and rebuild it without violating consistency.

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