My answer would depend on how many “names” you expect. If it is a relatively 
small and constrained list (under a few hundred thousand), I would start with 
something like:

Create table last_values (
arbitrary_partition text, -- use an app name or something static to define the 
name text,
value text,
last_upd_ts timestamp,
primary key (arbitrary_partition, name);

(NOTE: every insert would just overwrite the last value. You only keep the last 

Then your query is easy:
Select name, value, last_upd_ts from last_values where arbitrary_partition = 

If the list of names is unbounded/large, then I would be asking, does the query 
really need every name/value pair? What other way could they grouped together 
in a reasonable partition? I would use that instead of the arbitrary_partition 
above and run multiple queries (one for each partition) if a massive list is 
actually required.

I’m assuming that your data arrives in time series order, so that it is easy to 
just insert the last value into last_values. If you have to read before write, 
that would be a Cassandra anti-pattern that needs a different solution. (Based 
on how regular the data points are, I would look at something time-series 
related with a short TTL.)

Sean Durity

From: Gábor Auth <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 2020 2:39 AM
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Last stored value metadata table


Short story: storing time series of measurements (key(name, timestamp), value).

The problem: get the list of the last `value` of every `name`.

Is there a Cassandra friendly solution to store the last value of every `name` 
in a separate metadata table? It will come with a lot of tombstones... any 
other solution? :)

Auth Gábor


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