> The cluster started to crash when some partitions in MV crossed 1 GB size
at few nodes, whereas in other nodes it is less than 50 MB.
> Should we be worried about this?

Depend on your MV partition key design.

The memory pressure of wide partitions is improved in 3.x (CASSANDRA-11206

On Tue, 28 Jul 2020 at 14:24, Saijal Chauhan <saijal.chau...@goevive.com>

> >do you run "nodetool repair" on both base and view regularly?
> Yes, we run a full repair on our entire cluster every weekend which
> includes the keyspaces with the base table and materialized views
> But still, there are a ton of discrepancies in our base table and
> materialized view.
> Also, do you think putting the '-Dmv_enable_coordinator_batchlog=true'
> parameter in cassandra.yaml will solve or reduce the issue to some extent?
> Came across a Jira issue
> <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-15918> and this
> <https://medium.com/engineered-publicis-sapient/making-the-right-choices-in-cassandra-with-critical-configurations-and-data-size-speed-d358989d3437>
> blog which mentions cluster instability while creating and deleting mv's
> The cluster started to crash when some partitions in MV crossed 1 GB size
>> at few nodes, whereas in other nodes it is less than 50 MB.
> Should we be worried about this?
> On Mon, Jul 27, 2020 at 10:18 PM Jasonstack Zhao Yang <
> jasonstack.z...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> > We are facing data inconsistency issues between base tables and
>> materialized views.
>> do you run "nodetool repair" on both base and view regularly?
>> > What are all the possible scenarios that we should be watching out for
>> in a production environment?
>> more cpu/io/gc for populating views.
>> > Could there be any downtime in the Cassandra cluster while creating or
>> deleting these materialized views?
>> no, but be careful about the latency/throughput impact on the regular
>> workload.
>> On Tue, 28 Jul 2020 at 00:02, Saijal Chauhan <saijal.chau...@goevive.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> We are using Cassandra 3.0.13
>>> We have the following datacenters:
>>>    - DC1 with 7 Cassandra nodes with RF:3
>>>    - DC2 with 2 Cassandra nodes with RF:2
>>>    - DC3 with 2 Cassandra nodes with RF:2
>>> We are facing data inconsistency issues between base tables and
>>> materialized views.
>>> The only solution to this problem seems to be the creation of new
>>> materialized views and dropping the old views.
>>> We are planning to recreate 4 materialized views, 2 belonging to the
>>> same base table.
>>> The size of each base table ranges up to 4 to 5GB.
>>> What are all the possible scenarios that we should be watching out for
>>> in a production environment?
>>> Could there be any downtime in the Cassandra cluster while creating or
>>> deleting these materialized views?
>>> Thank you.

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