Re-edited as code and my notes are mixed up. Changed color of code to red

Sent from Mail<> for Windows 10

From: Manu Chadha<>
Sent: 02 July 2020 08:21
Subject: What is the way to scale down Cassandra/Kubernetes cluster from 3 to 1 
nodes using cass-operator


I have created a cluster using cass-operator - I suppose by default 3 replicas (3 
node cluster) are created.

I want to scale down the cluster from 3 to 1 nodes? I executed

kubectl scale sts cluster1-dc1-default-sts --replicas=1 -n cass-operator

statefulset.apps/cluster1-dc1-default-sts scaled

which brought down the no of nodes to 1

kubectl get all -n cass-operator

NAME                                 READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE

pod/cass-operator-5f8cdf99fc-9c5g4   1/1     Running   0          2d10h

pod/cluster1-dc1-default-sts-0       2/2     Running   0          2d10h

pod/cluster1-dc1-default-sts-1       1/2     Running   0          48s

pod/cluster1-dc1-default-sts-2       1/2     Running   0          52s

NAME                                          TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      
EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S)             AGE

service/cass-operator-metrics                 ClusterIP   
<none>          8383/TCP,8686/TCP   2d10h

service/cassandra-loadbalancer                LoadBalancer   9042:30870/TCP      38h

service/cassandradatacenter-webhook-service   ClusterIP    
<none>          443/TCP             2d10h

service/cluster1-dc1-all-pods-service         ClusterIP      None            
<none>          <none>              2d10h

service/cluster1-dc1-service                  ClusterIP      None            
<none>          9042/TCP,8080/TCP   2d10h

service/cluster1-seed-service                 ClusterIP      None            
<none>          <none>              2d10h

NAME                            READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE

deployment.apps/cass-operator   1/1     1            1           2d10h

NAME                                       DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE

replicaset.apps/cass-operator-5f8cdf99fc   1         1         1       2d10h

NAME                                        READY   AGE

statefulset.apps/cluster1-dc1-default-sts   1/3     2d10h <-- REDUCTION AS 

But after few minutes, the nodes got scaled up again

kubectl get all -n cass-operator

NAME                                 READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE

pod/cass-operator-5f8cdf99fc-9c5g4   1/1     Running   0          2d10h

pod/cluster1-dc1-default-sts-0       2/2     Running   0          2d10h

pod/cluster1-dc1-default-sts-1       2/2     Running   0          2m46s

pod/cluster1-dc1-default-sts-2       2/2     Running   0          2m50s

NAME                                          TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      
EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S)             AGE

service/cass-operator-metrics                 ClusterIP   
<none>          8383/TCP,8686/TCP   2d10h

service/cassandra-loadbalancer                LoadBalancer   9042:30870/TCP      38h

service/cassandradatacenter-webhook-service   ClusterIP    
<none>          443/TCP             2d10h

service/cluster1-dc1-all-pods-service         ClusterIP      None            
<none>          <none>              2d10h

service/cluster1-dc1-service                  ClusterIP      None            
<none>          9042/TCP,8080/TCP   2d10h

service/cluster1-seed-service                 ClusterIP      None            
<none>          <none>              2d10h

NAME                            READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE

deployment.apps/cass-operator   1/1     1            1           2d10h

NAME                                       DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE

replicaset.apps/cass-operator-5f8cdf99fc   1         1         1       2d10h

NAME                                        READY   AGE

statefulset.apps/cluster1-dc1-default-sts   3/3     2d10h <-- back to 3

Clearly I am not doing something right as the stateful set should say 1/1 
instead of 1/3 or 3/3. What configuration do I need to change to create a 1 or 
2 node cluster?

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