Thanks. One more concern popped up. It seems Cass is not recommended for 
production. However, I need this specifically for production. What is your take 
on this?

The use of Cass Operator with Cassandra 3.11.6 is intended as a Technology 
Preview only. Using Cass Operator with Cassandra is not recommended at this 
time for production environments.

Sent from Mail<> for Windows 10

From: Erick Ramirez<>
Sent: 25 June 2020 07:25
Subject: Re: Cassandra container, Google Cloud and Kubernetes

It seems that 3.11.4 is not supported. I am happy to move up to 3.11.6 but is 
3.11.6 backward compatible with 3.11.4? I don’t want start changing my driver 
code in the application.

There isn't a breaking change from a driver perspective between 3.11.4 and 
3.11.6 so you don't need to rewrite your code. Cheers!

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