1. Use what works for you. People are starting to use C* in Docker though. Lots of info on google for this. 2. https://hub.docker.com/_/cassandra 3. You probably want to mount an external volume in the container - https://docs.docker.com/storage/volumes/ 4. Connect to C* with cql and specify the RF with a CREATE/ALTER KEYSPACE command.
From: Manu Chadha <manu.cha...@hotmail.com> Sent: 03 June 2020 08:04 To: user@cassandra.apache.org Subject: Cassandra and Docker Hi I want to run Cassandra within Docker. I am new to both to be honest. 1. Is it better to use Cassandra within Docker or is it better to install/run Cassandra directly on a VM in the cloud? 2. Is there a Docker image for Cassandra (for 3.11.4) which I can pull/use? 3. How will data be stored if I use Docker/Cassandra? If the container stops, then would re-running the image use existing data or would I use lose data? 4. How would I configure a DC if I use Docker/Cassandra? Say I run 3 containers on 3 VMs for RF=3, how would I provide this configuration through Docker? Thanks Manu Sent from Mail<https://eur03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgo.microsoft.com%2Ffwlink%2F%3FLinkId%3D550986&data=02%7C01%7CRhys.Campbell%40swisscom.com%7C5bbb25464d85498e16ba08d80783f653%7C364e5b87c1c7420d9beec35d19b557a1%7C1%7C0%7C637267610634687292&sdata=XzBfcov7IezOnjDRBrjiuls2MGQue0a2RHhK1Ptez%2Fs%3D&reserved=0> for Windows 10