To flesh this out a bit, I set roles_validity_in_ms and 
permissions_validity_in_ms to 3600000 (10 minutes). The default of 2000 is far 
too often for my use cases. Usually I set the RF for system_auth to 3 per DC. 
On a larger, busier cluster I have set it to 6 per DC. NOTE: if you set the 
validity higher, it may take that amount of time before a change in password or 
table permissions is picked up (usually less).

Sean Durity

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Jirsa <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 2, 2020 2:39 AM
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: Impact of enabling authentication on performance

Set the Auth cache to a long validity

Don’t go crazy with RF of system auth

Drop bcrypt rounds if you see massive cpu spikes on reconnect storms

> On Jun 1, 2020, at 11:26 PM, Gil Ganz <> wrote:
> Hi
> I have a production 3.11.6 cluster which I'm might want to enable 
> authentication in, I'm trying to understand what will be the performance 
> impact, if any.
> I understand each use case might be different, trying to understand if there 
> is a common % people usually see their performance hit, or if someone has 
> looked into this.
> Gil

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