Thanks Erick,

Issue indeed was caused by file. Though we don't 
use it we still had it in our config directory. After removing it "nodetool 
status" returns correct topology.

Tadevos Papoyan
From: Erick Ramirez <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2020 6:12 AM
To: <>
Subject: Re: nodetool status shows wrong cluster topology

This isn't expected at all and there's definitely something wrong.

However, when I restart last node (others remain down), when it comes up 
"nodetool status" shows all down nodes under "DC1" no matter how long I wait.

This sounds like the node can't gossip with other nodes. My hypothesis is that gets loaded on startup. The file is used for 
PropertyFileSnitch and it's been known to cause intermittent gossip issues with 
GPFS. That's where the incorrect "DC1" comes from because the node doesn't know 
which DC the other nodes belong to. We haven't been able to replicate the issue 
so I don't know how it gets triggered. I've explained it in detail in a 
previous post [1].

If my hypothesis proves true, you can workaround the problem by deleting When you restart Cassandra, the node should be 
back to normal. Cheers!


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