Is this the first time you've repaired your cluster? Because it sounds like it isn't coping. First thing you need to make sure of is to *not* run repairs in parallel. It can overload your cluster -- only kick off a repair one node at a time on small clusters. For larger clusters, you might be able to run it on multiple nodes but only on non-adjacent nodes (or nodes far enough around the ring from each other) where you absolutely know they don't have overlapping token ranges. If this doesn't make sense or is too complicated then just repair one node at a time.
You should also consider running a partitioner-range repair (with the -pr flag) so you're only repairing ranges once. This is the quickest and most efficient way to repair since it doesn't repair overlapping token ranges multiple times. If you're interested, Jeremiah Jordan wrote a nice blog post explaining this in detail [1 <>]. Third thing to consider is bumping up the heap on the nodes to 20GB. See how it goes. If you need to, maybe go as high as 24GB but understand the tradeoffs -- larger heaps mean that GC pauses are longer since there is more space to clean up. I also try to reserve 8GB of RAM for the operating system so on a 32GB system, 24GB is the most I would personally allocate to the heap (my opinion, YMMV). CMS also doesn't cope well with large heap sizes so depending on your use case/data model/access patterns/etc, you might need to switch to G1 GC if you really need to go upwards of 20GB. To be clear -- I'm not recommending that you switch to G1. I'm just saying that in my experience, CMS isn't great with large heap sizes. ;) Finally, 4 flush writers may be doing your nodes more harm than good since your nodes are on EBS, likely just a single volume. More is not always better so there's a word of warning for you. Again, YMMV. Cheers! [1] GOT QUESTIONS? Apache Cassandra experts from the community and DataStax have answers! Share your expertise on >