On Sat, Feb 29, 2020 at 8:49 AM Jeff Jirsa <jji...@gmail.com> wrote:

> If you’re really really advanced you MIGHT be able to  use spark +
> cqlsstablewriter to create a ton of sstables with just tombstones one them
> representing deletes, then either nodetool refresh or sstableloader them
> into the cluster
> If you create sstables on the right timestamp boundaries to match your
> twcs windows, each one will compact with the data file or the same window
> and delete the data.
> Will be a ton of compaction though. Not as efficient as the deleting
> strategy. Also not sure if the offline cqlsstablewriter actually supports
> deletes because I’m on my phone and too lazy to check. If it doesn’t it
> probably wouldn’t be that hard to add.

Yeah, even if that would work with the CQLSSTableWriter, the ton of
user-defined compaction is what we would like to avoid.  We are OK with
rewriting all files once, though.

Assuming, we get it running on our server version: do I get it right that
running `nodetool upgradesstables -a` is going to rewrite all the SSTable
files subject to the defined compaction strategy?


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