I will just add-on that I usually reserve security changes as the primary 
exception where app downtime may be necessary with Cassandra. (DSE has some 
Transitional tools that are useful, though.) Sometimes a short outage is 
preferred over a longer, more-complicated attempt to keep the app up. And, in 
many cases, there is no way to guarantee availability when making 
security-related changes (new cipher suites, adding encryption, turning on 
authentication, etc.). It is better to try and have those implemented from the 
beginning, where possible.

Sean Durity

From: Erick Ramirez <erick.rami...@datastax.com>
Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2020 9:02 PM
To: user@cassandra.apache.org
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: Cassandra Encyrption between DC

I've just seen your questions on ASF Slack and didn't immediately make the 
connection that this post in the mailing list is one and the same. I understand 
what you're doing now -- you have an existing DC with no encryption and you 
want to add a new DC with encryption enabled but don't want the downtime 
associated with enabling encryption on the existing DC.

As driftx, exlt, myself & co pointed out, there isn't a "transitional path" of 
implementing it without downtime in the current (released) versions of C*. 


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