Hi Sergio,

There is a misunderstanding here. My post makes no recommendation for the
value of num_tokens. Rather, it focuses on how to use
the allocate_tokens_for_keyspace setting when creating a new cluster.

Whilst a value of 4 is used for num_tokens in the post, it was chosen for
demonstration purposes. Specifically it makes:

   - the uneven token distribution in a small cluster very obvious,
   - identifying the endpoints displayed in nodetool ring easy, and
   - the initial_token setup less verbose and easier to follow.

I will add an editorial note to the post with the above information
so there is no confusion about why 4 tokens were used.

I would only consider moving a cluster to 4 tokens if it is larger than 100
nodes. If you read through the paper that Erick mentioned, written by Joe
Lynch & Josh Snyder, they show that the num_tokens impacts the availability
of large scale clusters.

If you are after more details about the trade-offs between different sized
token values, please see the discussion on the dev mailing list: "[Discuss]
num_tokens default in Cassandra 4.0


On Sat, 1 Feb 2020 at 10:07, Sergio <lapostadiser...@gmail.com> wrote:

> https://thelastpickle.com/blog/2019/02/21/set-up-a-cluster-with-even-token-distribution.html
>  This
> is the article with 4 token recommendations.
> @Erick Ramirez. which is the dev thread for the default 32 tokens
> recommendation?
> Thanks,
> Sergio
> Il giorno ven 31 gen 2020 alle ore 14:49 Erick Ramirez <
> flightc...@gmail.com> ha scritto:
>> There's an active discussion going on right now in a separate dev thread.
>> The current "default recommendation" is 32 tokens. But there's a push for 4
>> in combination with allocate_tokens_for_keyspace from Jon Haddad & co
>> (based on a paper from Joe Lynch & Josh Snyder).
>> If you're satisfied with the results from your own testing, go with 4
>> tokens. And that's the key -- you must test, test, TEST! Cheers!
>> On Sat, Feb 1, 2020 at 5:17 AM Arvinder Dhillon <dhillona...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> What is recommended vnodes now? I read 8 in later cassandra 3.x
>>> Is the new recommendation 4 now even in version 3.x (asking for 3.11)?
>>> Thanks
>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2020 at 9:49 AM Durity, Sean R <
>>> sean_r_dur...@homedepot.com> wrote:
>>>> These are good clarifications and expansions.
>>>> Sean Durity
>>>> *From:* Anthony Grasso <anthony.gra...@gmail.com>
>>>> *Sent:* Thursday, January 30, 2020 7:25 PM
>>>> *To:* user <user@cassandra.apache.org>
>>>> *Subject:* Re: [EXTERNAL] How to reduce vnodes without downtime
>>>> Hi Maxim,
>>>> Basically what Sean suggested is the way to do this without downtime.
>>>> To clarify the, the *three* steps following the "Decommission each
>>>> node in the DC you are working on" step should be applied to *only*
>>>> the decommissioned nodes. So where it say "*all nodes*" or "*every
>>>> node*" it applies to only the decommissioned nodes.
>>>> In addition, the step that says "Wipe data on all the nodes", I would
>>>> delete all files in the following directories on the decommissioned nodes.
>>>>    - data (usually located in /var/lib/cassandra/data)
>>>>    - commitlogs (usually located in /var/lib/cassandra/commitlogs)
>>>>    - hints (usually located in /var/lib/casandra/hints)
>>>>    - saved_caches (usually located in /var/lib/cassandra/saved_caches)
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Anthony
>>>> On Fri, 31 Jan 2020 at 03:05, Durity, Sean R <
>>>> sean_r_dur...@homedepot.com> wrote:
>>>> Your procedure won’t work very well. On the first node, if you switched
>>>> to 4, you would end up with only a tiny fraction of the data (because the
>>>> other nodes would still be at 256). I updated a large cluster (over 150
>>>> nodes – 2 DCs) to smaller number of vnodes. The basic outline was this:
>>>>    - Stop all repairs
>>>>    - Make sure the app is running against one DC only
>>>>    - Change the replication settings on keyspaces to use only 1 DC
>>>>    (basically cutting off the other DC)
>>>>    - Decommission each node in the DC you are working on. Because the
>>>>    replication setting are changed, no streaming occurs. But it releases 
>>>> the
>>>>    token assignments
>>>>    - Wipe data on all the nodes
>>>>    - Update configuration on every node to your new settings,
>>>>    including auto_bootstrap = false
>>>>    - Start all nodes. They will choose tokens, but not stream any data
>>>>    - Update replication factor for all keyspaces to include the new DC
>>>>    - I disabled binary on those nodes to prevent app connections
>>>>    - Run nodetool reduild with -dc (other DC) on as many nodes as your
>>>>    system can safely handle until they are all rebuilt.
>>>>    - Re-enable binary (and app connections to the rebuilt DC)
>>>>    - Turn on repairs
>>>>    - Rest for a bit, then reverse the process for the remaining DCs
>>>> Sean Durity – Staff Systems Engineer, Cassandra
>>>> *From:* Maxim Parkachov <lazy.gop...@gmail.com>
>>>> *Sent:* Thursday, January 30, 2020 10:05 AM
>>>> *To:* user@cassandra.apache.org
>>>> *Subject:* [EXTERNAL] How to reduce vnodes without downtime
>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>> with discussion about reducing default vnodes in version 4.0 I would
>>>> like to ask, what would be optimal procedure to perform reduction of vnodes
>>>> in existing 3.11.x cluster which was set up with default value 256. Cluster
>>>> has 2 DC with 5 nodes each and RF=3. There is one more restriction, I could
>>>> not add more servers, nor to create additional DC, everything is physical.
>>>> This should be done without downtime.
>>>> My idea for such procedure would be
>>>> for each node:
>>>> - decommission node
>>>> - set auto_bootstrap to true and vnodes to 4
>>>> - start and wait till node joins cluster
>>>> - run cleanup on rest of nodes in cluster
>>>> - run repair on whole cluster (not sure if needed after cleanup)
>>>> - set auto_bootstrap to false
>>>> repeat for each node
>>>> rolling restart of cluster
>>>> cluster repair
>>>> Is this sounds right ? My concern is that after decommission, node will
>>>> start on the same IP which could create some confusion.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Maxim.
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