Thanks Erick! I will check with the owners of this keyspace, hoping to find the culprit. If they won't come up with anything, is there a way to read the key cache file? (as I understand it's a binary file) On another note, there's actually another keyspace I missed to point out on which I found a weird behavior (not necessarily related though).
CREATE KEYSPACE ks3 WITH replication = {'class': 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'DC1': '3', 'DC2': '3'} AND durable_writes = true; CREATE TABLE ks3.tbl4 ( account_id text, consumer_phone_number text, channel text, event_time_stamp timestamp, brand_phone_number text, campaign_id bigint, engagement_id bigint, event_type text, PRIMARY KEY ((account_id, consumer_phone_number), channel, event_time_stamp) ); When I select from this table, I get the following warning: * DateOverFlowWarning: Some timestamps are larger than Python datetime can represent. Timestamps are displayed in milliseconds from epoch.* I don't know if it's related but worth pointing out. account_id | consumer_phone_number | channel | event_time_stamp | brand_phone_number | campaign_id | engagement_id | event_type ------------+--------------------------------------+---------+------------------+--------------------------------------+-------------+---------------+------------ 12345678 | OIs1HXovJ9W/AJZI+Tm8CSCbAavdVI06qt0c | sms | *1580305508799000* | PY0yHHItI9BibOtNis8hDuLwN91prPa+ | null | null | opt-out Thanks! On Thu, Jan 30, 2020 at 1:43 AM Erick Ramirez <> wrote: > Specifically for the NegativeArraySizeException, what's happening is that >> the keyLength is so huge that it blows up MAX_UNSIGNED_SHORT so it looks >> like it's a negative value. Someone will correct me if I got that wrong but >> the "Key length longer than max" error confirms that. >> > > Is it possible that you have a rogue metric_name value that's impossibly > long? I'm a bit more convinced now that's what's happening because you said > it happens on multiple servers which rules out local file corruption at the > filesystem level. Cheers! >