Hi Raman,

Thanks for the response.

I will try and let you know the status. We have to do it on production 
environment, so might be it will take time to proceed.

Anil Ganipineni

P Please consider environment before printing this page.

From: raman gugnani <ramangugnani....@gmail.com>
Sent: 12 December 2019 09:49
To: user@cassandra.apache.org
Subject: Re: Data is not syncing up when we add one more Node(DR) to existing 3 
node cluster

**CAUTION: This email is originated from outside the organization. Be cautious 
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HI Anil,

Please follow the below link.


Did you ran the command nodetool rebuild old_dc_name to stream the old 
historical data to new data center.

Step 9 of the above article.

On Thu, 12 Dec 2019 at 09:39, Anil Kumar Ganipineni 
<akganipin...@adaequare.com<mailto:akganipin...@adaequare.com>> wrote:
Hi All,

We have 3 node cluster on datacentre DC1 and below is our key space 
declaration. The current data size on the cluster is ~10GB. When we add a new 
node on datacentre DC2, the new node is not syncing up with the data, but it is 
showing UN when I run the nodetool status.

CREATE KEYSPACE production WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 
'org.apache.cassandra.locator.NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'DC1': '3', 'DC2': '1' 

Please provide suggestions to make the new node on DC2 to sync up with existing 
cluster. This is required as the DC2 is our DR in a different region other than 
existing cluster.

Anil Ganipineni

P Please consider environment before printing this page.

Raman Gugnani

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