Hi Cassandra folks,I'm planning to use Materialized View (MV) on production for 
some specific cases.  I've read a lot of blogs, technical documents about the 
risks of using it  and everything seems ok for our use case. 
My question is about consistency(also durability) evaluation of MV usage with 
an additional primary key column.  İn one of our case, we select an UDT column 
of base table as addtional primary key column on MV. (UDT possible values are 
non nullable and restricted with domain.) . After inserting a record in base 
table, this additonal column (MVs primary key column) 
value also will be updated  for 1 or 2 time. So in our case,  for each update 
operation that will be occured on base table there are going to be delete and 
create operations inside MV.
Does it matter  from consistency(also durability) perspective  that using 
additional primary key column whether as partition column or  clustering column?

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