If anyone has any idea on what might cause this issue, it'd be great. I don't understand what could trigger this exception. But what I really can't understand is why repairs started to run suddenly :-\ There's no cron job running, no active repair process, no Validation compactions, Reaper is turned off.... I see repair running only in the logs.
Thanks! On Wed, Jun 5, 2019 at 2:32 PM shalom sagges <shalomsag...@gmail.com> wrote: > Hi All, > > I'm having a bad situation where after upgrading 2 nodes (binaries only) > from 2.1.21 to 3.11.4 I'm getting a lot of warnings as follows: > > AbstractLocalAwareExecutorService.java:167 - Uncaught exception on thread > Thread[ReadStage-5,5,main]: {} > java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: null > > > I also see errors on repairs but no repair is running at all. I verified > this with ps -ef command and nodetool compactionstats. The error I see is: > Failed creating a merkle tree for [repair > #a95498f0-8783-11e9-b065-81cdbc6bee08 on system_auth/users, []], / > (see log for details) > > I saw repair errors on data tables as well. > nodetool status shows all are UN and nodetool describecluster shows two > schema versions as expected. > > > After the warnings appeared, clients started to get timed out read/write > queries. > Restarting the 2 nodes solved the clients' connection issues, but the > warnings are still being generated in the logs. > > Did anyone encounter such an issue and knows what this means? > > Thanks! > >