On Tue, Feb 26, 2019 at 9:39 AM wxn...@zjqunshuo.com <wxn...@zjqunshuo.com>

> I'm running 2.2.8 with vnodes and I'm planning to change node IP address.
> My procedure is:
> Turn down one node, setting auto_bootstrap to false in yaml file, then
> bring it up with -Dcassandra.replace_address. Repeat the procedure one by
> one for the other nodes.
> I care about streaming because the data is very large and if there is
> streaming, it will take a long time. When the node with new IP be brought
> up, will it take over the token range it has before? I expect no token
> range reassignment and no streaming. Am I right?
> Any thing I need care about when making IP address change?

Changing the IP address of a node does not require special considerations.
After restart with the new address the server will notice it and log a
warning, but it will keep token ownership as long as it keeps the old host
id (meaning it must use the same data directory as before restart).

At the same time, *do not* use the replace_address option: it assumes empty
data directory and will try to stream data from other replicas into the


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