Thanks a lot Anuj!

On Wed, Jan 16, 2019 at 4:56 PM Anuj Wadehra <> wrote:

> Hi Shalom,
> Just a suggestion. Before upgrading to 3.11.3 make sure you are not
> impacted by any open crtitical defects especially related to RT which may
> cause data loss e.g.14861.
> Please find my response below:
> The upgrade process that I know of is from 2.0.14 to 2.1.x (higher than
> 2.1.9 I think) and then from 2.1.x to 3.x. Do I need to upgrade first to
> 3.0.x or can I upgraded directly from 2.1.x to 3.11.3?
> Response: Yes, you can upgrade from 2.0.14 to some latest stable version
> of 2.1.x (only 2.1.9+)  and then upgrade to 3.11.3.
> Can I run upgradesstables on several nodes in parallel? Is it crucial to
> run it one node at a time?
> Response: Yes, you can run in parallel.
> When running upgradesstables on a node, does that node still serves writes
> and reads?
> Response: Yes.
> Can I use open JDK 8 (instead of Oracle JDK) with C* 3.11.3?
> Response: We have not tried but it should be okay. See
> .
> Is there a way to speed up the upgradesstables process? (besides
> compaction_throughput)
> Response: If clearing pending compactions caused by rewriting sstable is a
> concern,probably you can also try increasing concurrent compactors.
> Disclaimer: The information provided in above response is my personal
> opinion based on the best of my knowledge and experience. We do
> not take any responsibility and we are not liable for any damage caused by
> actions taken based on above information.
> Thanks
> Anuj
> On Wed, 16 Jan 2019 at 19:15, shalom sagges
> <> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm about to start a rolling upgrade process from version 2.0.14 to
> version 3.11.3.
> I have a few small questions:
>    1. The upgrade process that I know of is from 2.0.14 to 2.1.x (higher
>    than 2.1.9 I think) and then from 2.1.x to 3.x. Do I need to upgrade first
>    to 3.0.x or can I upgraded directly from 2.1.x to 3.11.3?
>    2. Can I run upgradesstables on several nodes in parallel? Is it
>    crucial to run it one node at a time?
>    3. When running upgradesstables on a node, does that node still serves
>    writes and reads?
>    4. Can I use open JDK 8 (instead of Oracle JDK) with C* 3.11.3?
>    5. Is there a way to speed up the upgradesstables process? (besides
>    compaction_throughput)
> Thanks!

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