
I am trying to copy the content of a materialized view to a CSV using the
cqlsh COPY command (doc here :

When I use the command on a regular table It works perfectly, but it is not
working when I am doing it on a Materialized View.

COPY person_data (name, id) TO 'test.csv' ;
Column family 'person_data' not found

Whereas the table exists as I can query on it, as the exemple below :
SELECT count(*) from person_data ;

Any idea -or good reasons- why the COPY function does not work on
Materialized Views? Is there a dedicated command to do this for MV?
I didn't find any answers searching on the internet. I hope you could help.

NB : I am using Cassandra 3.7 and my cqlsh shows the info : [cqlsh 5.0.1 |
Cassandra 3.7 | CQL spec 3.4.2 | Native protocol v4]


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