
Any way to temporarily make the node under maintenance invisible  from
> "nodetool status" output?

I don't think so.
I would use a different approach like for example only warn/email when the
node is down for 30 seconds or a minute depending on how long it takes for
your nodes to restart. This way the failure is not invisible, but ignored
when only bouncing the nodes.

As a side note, be aware that the 'nodetool status' only give a view of the
cluster from a specific node, that can be completely wrong as well :).

Alain Rodriguez - al...@thelastpickle.com
France / Spain

The Last Pickle - Apache Cassandra Consulting

Le ven. 26 oct. 2018 à 15:16, Saha, Sushanta K <
sushanta.s...@verizonwireless.com> a écrit :

> I have script that parses "nodetool status" output and emails alerts if
> any node is down. So, when I stop cassandra on a node for maintenance, all
> nodes stats emailing alarms.
> Any way to temporarily make the node under maintenance invisible  from
> "nodetool status" output?
> Thanks

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