Thanks Mick.

We're on datastax java driver version: and we aren't using the client 
side timestamps. Anyway, we went ahead and verified that all client machines 
and cassandra machines are in sync with regards to time.

We've also verified that no reads and writes are going to the remote data 

Here's a bit more information:

-Few rows in this column family can grow quite wide (> 100K columns)

-But we keep seeing this behavior most frequently with rows with just 1 or two 
columns . The typical behavior is: Machine A adds a new row and a column. 30-60 
seconds later Machine B tries to read this row. It doesn't find the row. So the 
application retries within 500ms. This time it finds the row.


From: Mick Semb Wever <>
Sent: Saturday, October 20, 2018 10:24:53 PM
Subject: Re: Cassandra: Inconsistent data on reads (LOCAL_QUORUM)

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> Thanks James. Yeah, we're using the datastax java driver. But we're on 
> version And we are not using the client side timestamps.

Just to check Ninad. If you are using Cassandra-2.1 (native protocol
v3) and the java driver version 3.0 or above, then you would be using
client-side timestamps by default.

With client-side timestamps all client servers and all C* nodes must
be kept tightly in-sync, as Elliot said. Monitoring and alerting on
any clock skew on any of these machines is important.

Also worth checking that any local_quorum requests are not
accidentally go to the wrong datacenter.


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