Since i failed to find a document on how to configure and use the Token
Allocation Algorithm (to replace the random Algorithm), just wanted to be sure
about the procedure i've done: 1. Using Apache Cassandra 3.11.2 2. Configured
one of seed nodes with num_tokens=8 and started it. 3. Using Cqlsh created
keyspace test with NetworkTopologyStrategy and RF=3. 4. Stopped the seed node.
5. add this line to cassandra.yaml of all nodes (all have num_tokens=8) and
started the cluster: allocate_tokens_for_keyspace=test My cluster Size won't go
beyond 150 nodes, should i still use The Allocation Algorithm instead of random
with 256 tokens (performance wise or load-balance wise)? Is the Allocation
Algorithm, widely used and tested with Community and can we migrate all
clusters with any size to use this Algorithm Safely? Out of Curiosity, i wonder
how people (i.e, in Apple) config and maintain token management of clusters
with thousands of nodes? Sent using Zoho Mail