It’s self respond.

Step3 is wrong.

Even if it was a SimpleSnitch, changing the dc information will not start 
CassandraDaemon with the error log.

ERROR [main] 2018-09-11 18:36:30,272 - Cannot start 
node if snitch's data center (pg1) differs from previous data center 
(datacenter1). Please fix the snitch configuration, decommission and 
rebootstrap this node or use the flag -Dcassandra.ignore_dc=true.

> On 11 Sep 2018, at 2:25 PM, Eunsu Kim <> wrote:
> Hello
> Thank you for your responses.
> I’ll share my adding datacenter plan. If you see problems, please respond.
> The sentence may be a little awkward because I am so poor at English that I 
> am being helped by a translator.
> I've been most frequently referred to.( 
> <>) Thank you for your cleanliness. (Pradeep 
> Chhetri)
> I will also upgrade the version as Alain Rodriguez's advice.
> ————
> Step 1. Stop all existing clusters. (My service is paused.)
> Step 2. Install Cassandra 3.11.3 and copy existing conf files.
> Step 3. Modify for existing nodes. dc=mydc1 
> rack=myrack1
>      Q. I think this modification will not affect the existing data because 
> it was SimpleSnitch before, right?
> Step 4. In the caseandra.yaml of existing nodes, endpoint_snitch is changed 
> to GossippingPropertyFileSnitch.
> Step 5. Restart the Cassandra of the existing nodes. (My service is resumed.)
> Step 6. Change the settings of all existing clients to DCAwareRobinPolicy and 
> refer to mydc1. Consistency level is LOCAL_ONE. And rolling restart.
>       Q. Isn't it a problem that at this point, DCAwareRobinPolicy and 
> RoundRobinPolicy coexist?
> Step 7. Alter my keyspace and system keyspace(system_distributed, 
> system_traces) :  SimpleStrategy(RF=2) -> { 'class' : 
> 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', ‘mydc1’ : 2 }
> Step 8. Install Cassandra in a new cluster, copying existing conf files, and 
> setting it to dc=mydc2 rack=myrack2
> Step 9. Adding a new seed node to the cassandra.yaml of the existing cluster 
> (mydc1) and restart.
>       Q1. Must I add the new seed nodes in five all existing nodes?
>       Q2. Don't I need to update the seed node settings of the new cluster 
> (mydc2)?
> Step 10. Alter my keyspace and system keyspace(system_distributed, 
> system_traces) :  { 'class' : 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', ‘mydc1’ : 1, ‘mydc2’ 
> : 1 }
> Step 11. Run 'nodetool rebuild — mydc1’ in turn, in the new node.
> ———
> I'll run the procedure on the development envrionment and share it.
> Thank you.
>> On 10 Sep 2018, at 10:26 PM, Pradeep Chhetri < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> Hello Eunsu, 
>> I am going through the same exercise at my job. I was making notes as i was 
>> testing the steps in my preproduction environment. Although I haven't tested 
>> end to end but hopefully this might help you: 
>> <>
>> Regards,
>> Pradeep
>> On Mon, Sep 10, 2018 at 5:59 PM, Alain RODRIGUEZ < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> Adding a data center for the first time is a bit tricky when you haven't 
>> been considering it from the start.
>> I operate 5 nodes cluster (3.11.0) in a single data center with 
>> SimpleSnitch, SimpleStrategy and all client policy RoundRobin.
>> You will need:
>> - To change clients, make them 'DCAware'. This depends on the client, but 
>> you should be able to find this in your Cassandra driver (client side).
>> - To change clients, make them use 'LOCAL_<WHATEVER>' consistency 
>> ('LOCAL_ONE'/'LOCAL_QUORUM' being the most common).
>> - To change 'SimpleSnitch' for 'EC2Snitch' or 'GossipingPropertyFileSnitch' 
>> for example, depending on your context/preference
>> - To change 'SimpleStrategy' for 'NetworkTopologyStrategy' for all the 
>> keyspaces, with the desired RF. I take the chance to say that switching to 1 
>> replica only is often a mistake, you can indeed have data loss (which you 
>> accept) but also service going down, anytime you restart a node or that a 
>> node goes down. If you are ok with RF=1, RDBMS might be a better choice. 
>> It's an anti-pattern of some kind to run Cassandra with RF=1. Yet up to you, 
>> this is not our topic :). In the same kind of off-topic recommendations, I 
>> would not stick with C*3.11.0, but go to C*3.11.3 (if you do not perform 
>> slice delete, there is still a bug with this apparently)
>> So this all needs to be done before starting adding the new data center. 
>> Changing the snitch is tricky, make sure that the new snitch uses the racks 
>> and dc names currently in use in your cluster for the current cluster, if 
>> not the data could not be accessible after the configuration change.
>> Then the procedure to add a data center is probably described around. I know 
>> I did this detailed description in 2014, here it is: 
>> <>,
>>  but you might find better/more recent documentation than this one for this 
>> relatively common process, like the documentation you linked.
>> If you are not confident or have doubts, you can share more about the 
>> context and post your exact plan, as I did years ago in the mail previously 
>> linked. People here should be able to confirm the process is ok before you 
>> move forward, giving you an extra confidence.
>> C*heers,
>> -----------------------
>> Alain Rodriguez - @arodream - 
>> <>
>> France / Spain
>> The Last Pickle - Apache Cassandra Consulting
>> <>
>> Le lun. 10 sept. 2018 à 11:05, Eunsu Kim < 
>> <>> a écrit :
>> Hello everyone
>> I operate 5 nodes cluster (3.11.0) in a single data center with 
>> SimpleSnitch, SimpleStrategy and all client policy RoundRobin.
>> At this point, I am going to create clusters of the same size in different 
>> data centers.
>> I think these two documents are appropriate, but there is confusion because 
>> they are referenced to each other.
>> <>
>> <>
>> Anyone who can clearly guide the order? Currently RF is 2 and I want to have 
>> only one replica in the NetworkTopologyStrategy.
>> A little data loss is okay.
>> Thank you in advanced..

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