Any idea? Sent using Zoho Mail ---- On Sun, 09 Sep 2018 11:23:17 +0430
onmstester onmstester <> wrote ---- Hi, Cluster Spec: 30
nodes RF = 2 NetworkTopologyStrategy GossipingPropertyFileSnitch + rack aware
Suddenly i lost all disks of cassandar-data on one of my racks, after replacing
the disks, tried to replace the nodes with same ip using this:
starting the to-be-replace-node fails with: java.lang.IllegalStateException:
unable to find sufficient sources for streaming range in keyspace system_traces
the problem is that i did not changed default replication config for System
keyspaces, but Now when i altered the system_traces keyspace startegy to
NetworkTopologyStrategy and RF=2 but then running nodetool repair failed:
Endpoint not alive /IP of dead node that i'm trying to replace. What should i
do now? Can i just remove previous nodes, change dead nodes IPs and re-join
them to cluster? Sent using Zoho Mail