Very strange. CassandraRoleManager will create cassandra user if it doesn't 
already exist (look in the setupDefaultRole method).
Perhaps this is an issue with consistency. After starting Cassandra, could you 
try do a nodetool repair on system_auth keyspace on all nodes.
I'm starting to run out of ideas :(

Software Developer

Ölandsgatan 1
37133 Karlskrona, Sweden

On tis, 2018-07-17 at 16:18 +0200, Thomas Lété wrote:
> Yes I did that multiple time, always following the same procedure : stop 
> Cassandra, on all nodes, remove data, update config then restart nodes one by 
> one…
> I really don’t understand when I could have done wrong...
> > 
> > Le 17 juil. 2018 à 16:15, Simon Fontana Oscarsson 
> > <> a écrit :
> > 
> > This is very strange behavior if Cassandra won't recreate the cassandra 
> > user when you delete the folder.
> > So just to make sure, you are stopping Cassandra on all nodes and deleting 
> > the data directory?
> > 

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