Input data does not preserve good locality and I've already tested batch insert, it was worse than executeAsync in case of throughput but much less CPU usage at client side.
Sent using Zoho Mail ---- On Sun, 18 Mar 2018 12:46:02 +0330 Ben Slater <> wrote ---- You will probably find grouping writes into small batches improves overall performance (if you are not doing it already). See the following presentation for some more info: Cheers Ben On Sun, 18 Mar 2018 at 19:23 onmstester onmstester <> wrote: -- Ben Slater Chief Product Officer Read our latest technical blog posts here. This email has been sent on behalf of Instaclustr Pty. Limited (Australia) and Instaclustr Inc (USA). This email and any attachments may contain confidential and legally privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, do not copy or disclose its content, but please reply to this email immediately and highlight the error to the sender and then immediately delete the message. I need to insert some millions records in seconds in Cassandra. Using one client with asyncExecute with folllowing configs: maxConnectionsPerHost = 5 maxRequestsPerHost = 32K maxAsyncQueue at client side = 100K I could achieve 25% of throughtput i needed, client CPU is more than 80% and increasing number of threads cause some execAsync to fail, so configs above are the best the client could handle. Cassandra nodes cpu is less than 30% in average. The data has no locality in sake of partition keys and i can't use createSStable mechanism. Is there any tuning which i'm missing in client side, cause the server side is already tuned with datastax recomendations. Sent using Zoho Mail