> On Mar 5, 2018, at 6:40 AM, Oleksandr Shulgin <oleksandr.shul...@zalando.de> 
> wrote:
> Hi,
> We were deploying a second DC today with 3 seed nodes (30 nodes in total) and 
> we have noticed that all seed nodes reported the following:
> INFO  10:20:50 Create new Keyspace: KeyspaceMetadata{name=system_traces, 
> params=KeyspaceParams{durable_writes=true, 
> replication=ReplicationParams{class=org.apache.cassandra.locator.SimpleStrategy,
>  replication_factor=2}}, ...
> followed by similar lines for system_distributed and system_auth.  Is this to 
> be expected?

They’re written with timestamp=0 to ensure they’re created at least once, but 
if you’ve ever issued an ALTER to the table or keyspace, your modified version 
will win through normal schema reconciliation process.

> Cassandra version is 3.0.15.  The DC2 was added to NTS replication setting 
> for all of the non-local keyspaces in advance, even before starting any of 
> the new nodes.  The schema versions reported by `nodetool describecluster' 
> are consistent accross DCs, that is: all nodes are on the same version.
> All new nodes use auto_bootstrap=true (in order for 
> allocate_tokens_for_keyspace=mydata_ks to take effect), the seeds ignore this 
> setting and report it.  The non-seed nodes didn't try to create the system 
> keyspaces on their own.
> I would expect that even if we don't add the DC2 in advance, the new nodes 
> should be able to learn about existing system keyspaces and wouldn't try to 
> create their own.  Ultimately we will run `nodetool rebuild' on every node in 
> DC2, but I would like to understand why this schema disagreement initially?
> Thanks,
> -- 
> Oleksandr "Alex" Shulgin | Database Engineer | Zalando SE | Tel: +49 176 
> 127-59-707

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