The link for 14128 doesn’t work and I can’t find it anywhere.
Kenneth Brotman From: kurt greaves [] Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2018 8:39 PM To: User Subject: Re: The home page of Cassandra is mobile friendly but the link to the third parties is not Already addressed in CASSANDRA-14128 <https://issues.apacheorg/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-14128> , however waiting on review/comments regarding what we actually do with this page. If you want to bring attention to JIRA's, user list is probably appropriate. I'd avoid spamming it too much though. On 26 February 2018 at 19:22, Kenneth Brotman < <mailto:kenbrotman@yahoocom.invalid> > wrote: The home page of Cassandra is mobile friendly but the link to the third parties from that web page is not. Any suggestions? I made a JIRA for it: Should posts about JIRA’s be on this list or the dev list? Kenneth Brotman