Yes, it's a 'known issue' with the style of Debian repos management.

Personally, I don't understand why all versions of except the latest one are 
intentionally removed from repo index.
Because if we had several versions of a package in the repo, anyway 'apt-get 
install cassandra cassandra-tools' would choose the latest one by default.

(You may experiment with 'apt-cache policy <package-name>')

This approach with leaving the latest version forces end-users to create and 
maintain local debian repos. Because if we already have a cluster 3.11.1 and 
would like to all a node there, we can't install C* 3.11.1 by apt-get from C* 
official  repo.

For example, Datadog team keeps all versions of their packages in repo index:,
 and in case some particular version of dd-agent is needed users still have 
ability to install it by specifying it explicitly, like this: 'apt-get install 
<pkg>=<version>', while 'apt-get install <pkg>' will install the latest version 
of the package.

Nothing to say, in case of C* version does matters.

So, I'd say this 'feature' is a bad feature.



From: Michael Shuler <> on behalf of Michael Shuler 
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2018 8:18:21 PM
Subject: Re: Missing 3.11.X cassandra debian packages

On 02/21/2018 11:56 AM, Zachary Marois wrote:
> Starting in that last two weeks (I successfully installed cassandra
> sometime in the last two weeks), I'm guessing on 2/19 when version
> 3.11.2 was released, the cassandra apt package version 3.11.1 became
> unstable. It doesn't seem to be published in the
> repository anymore (at least
> not in a valid state).
> Despite the package actually being in the repository still
> It is no longer in the Packages list

This is just the way reprepro works - only the latest version will be

This is a feature. Users really should be installing the latest release

> It looks like version 3.11.2 was released on 2/19.
> I'm guessing that publishing dropped the 3.11.1 version from the
> packages list.

This happens for every release. Every so often, branches will be culled
from, when they are no longer supported, so
periodically, complete series of packages will disappear. However, they
will always be available from the canonical Apache release repository.

The canonical release repository for Apache projects is Every release artifact of the Apache Cassandra
project appears at:

A debian package user that cannot upgrade to the latest version via
apt-get can always use, for example wget to fetch .deb. files they need
from the repo pool dir:

You will not find Cassandra 0.7.9 in the "current" apt repositories any
longer, since they are unsupported, but there are indeed people using
that version. The above spot is where to find the .deb packages for
0.7.9, and all older releases.

Warm regards,

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