On Fri, Feb 23, 2018 at 7:02 PM, Jeff Jirsa <jji...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Yes, seeds don't bootstrap.  But why?  I don't think I ever seen a
>> comprehensive explanation of this.
>> The meaning of seed in the most common sense is "connect to this host,
> and use it as the starting point for adding this node to the cluster".
> If you specify that a joining node is the seed, the implication is that
> it's already a member of the cluster (or, alternatively, authoritative on
> the cluster's state).  Given that implication, why would it make sense to
> then proceed to bootstrap? By setting it as a seed, you've told it that it
> already knows what the cluster is.

Well, there is certain logic in that.  However, bootstrap is about
streaming in the data, isn't it?  And being seed is about knowing the
topology, i.e. which nodes exist in the cluster.  There is actually 0
overlap of these two concerns, so I don't really see why a seed node
shouldn't be able to bootstrap.  Would it break anything if it could, e.g.
if you're explicit about it and request auto_boostrap=true?


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