Hi Jurgen, stream_throughput_outbound_megabits_per_sec is the "given total throughput in Mbps", so it does limit the "concurrent throughput" IMHO, is it not what you are looking for?
The only limits I can think of are : - number of connection between every node and the one boostrapping - number of pending compaction (especially if you have lots of keyspace/table) that could lead to some JVM problem maybe ? Anyway, because while bootstrapping, a node is not accepting reads, configuration like compactionthroughput, concurrentcompactor and streamingthroughput can be set on the fly using nodetool, so you can quickly ajust them Out of curiosity, do you run "nodetool cleanup" in parallel on every nodes left after a boostrap, or do you spread the "cleanup load" ? I have not seen yet one adding a node every day like this ;) have fun ! On 20 February 2018 at 13:42, Jürgen Albersdorfer <jalbersdor...@gmail.com> wrote: > Hi, I'm wondering if it is possible resp. would it make sense to limit > concurrent streaming when joining a new node to cluster. > > I'm currently operating a 15-Node C* Cluster (V 3.11.1) and joining > another Node every day. > The 'nodetool netstats' shows it always streams data from all other nodes. > > How far will this scale? - What happens when I have hundrets or even > thousends of Nodes? > > Has anyone experience with such a Situation? > > Thanks, and regards > Jürgen >