Hi All,

I am a newbie to Cassandra world, got some understanding of the product.
I have a application (which is kind of datastore) for other applications,
the user queries are not fixed i.e the queries can come with any attributes.
In this case, is it recommended to use cassandra ? What benefits we can get

Background - The application currently  using berkely db for maintaining
entries, we are trying to evaluate if other backend can fit with the
requirement we have.

Now, if we want to use cassandra , I broadly see one table which would
contain all the entries. Now, the question is what should be the correct
partitioning majors ?
entity is
Entry {
id varchar,
objectclasses list<TEXT>

and query can be anything like
a) get all entries based on sn=*
b) get all entries based on sn=A and cn=b
c) get all entries based on sn=A OR objeclass contains person

Please advise.


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