How are you copying? With CQLSH COPY or your own script? If you've got
spark already it's quite simple to copy between tables and it should be
pretty much as fast as you can get it. (you may even need to throttle).
There's some sample code here (albeit it's copying between clusters but
easily tailored to copy between tables).

On 30 January 2018 at 21:05, Jürgen Albersdorfer <>

> Hi, We are using C* 3.11.1 with a 9 Node Cluster built on CentOS Servers
> eac=
> h having 2x Quad Core Xeon, 128GB of RAM and two separate 2TB spinning
> Disks=
> , one for Log one for Data with Spark on Top.
> Due to bad Schema (Partitions of about 4 to 8 GB) I need to copy a whole
> Tab=
> le into another having same fields but different partitioning.=20
> I expected glowing Iron when I started the copy Job, but instead cannot
> even=
> See some Impact on CPU, mem or disks. - but the Job does copy the Data
> over=
> veeerry slowly at about a MB or two per Minute.
> Any suggestion where to start investigation?
> Thanks already
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