
NVMe drives have their own IO queueing mechanism and there is a huge
performance difference vs the linux queue.
Next to properly configured file system and scheduler try setting
in grub cmdline.
If you are looking for a BFQ scheduler, its probably a module so you will
need to load it.


On Tue, Jan 9, 2018 at 1:17 AM, Nate McCall <n...@thelastpickle.com> wrote:

>> In regards to setting read ahead, how is this set for nvme drives? Also,
>> below is our compression settings for the table… It’s the same as our tests
>> that we are doing against SAS SSDs so I don’t think the compression
>> settings would be the issue…
> Check blockdev --report between the old and the new servers to see if
> there is a difference. Are there other deltas in the disk layouts between
> the old and new servers (ie. LVM, mdadm, etc.)?
> You can control read ahead via 'blockdev --setra' or via poking the
> kernel: /sys/block/[YOUR DRIVE]/queue/read_ahead_kb
> In both cases, changes are instantaneous so you can do it on a canary and
> monitor for effect.
> Also, i'd be curious to know (since you have this benchmark setup) if you
> got the degradation you are currently seeing if you set concurrent_reads
> and concurrent_writes back to their defaults.
> --
> -----------------
> Nate McCall
> Wellington, NZ
> @zznate
> Apache Cassandra Consulting
> http://www.thelastpickle.com

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