Thank you for your response.  As you said, the auto_bootstrap setting was 
turned on. 
The actual data was deleted with the 'nodetool clearsnapshot' command.
This command seems to apply only to one node. Can it be applied cluster-wide? 
Or should I run this command on each node?

> On 12 Jan 2018, at 8:10 PM, Alain RODRIGUEZ <> wrote:
> Hello,
> However, the actual size of the data directory did not decrease at all. Disk 
> Load monitored by JMX has been decreased.
> This sounds like 'auto_snapshot' is enabled. This option will trigger a 
> snapshot before any table drop / truncate to prevent user mistakes mostly. 
> Then the data is removed but as it is still referenced by the snapshot (hard 
> link), space cannot be freed.
> Running 'nodetool clearsnapshot' should help reducing the dataset size in 
> this situation.
> The client fails to establish a connection and I see the following exceptions 
> in the Cassandra logs. 
> org.apache.cassandra.db.UnknownColumnFamilyException: Couldn't find table for 
> cfId…
> This does not look like a failed connection to me but rather a try to query 
> some inexistent data. If that's the data you just deleted (keyspace / table), 
> this is expected. If not there is an other issue, I hope not related to the 
> delete in this case...
> C*heers,
> -----------------------
> Alain Rodriguez - @arodream - 
> <>
> France / Spain
> The Last Pickle - Apache Cassandra Consulting
> <>
> 2018-01-12 7:14 GMT+00:00 Eunsu Kim < 
> <>>:
> hi everyone
> On the development server, I dropped all the tables and even keyspace dropped 
> to change the table schema.
> Then I created the keyspace and the table.
> However, the actual size of the data directory did not decrease at all. Disk 
> Load monitored by JMX has been decreased.
> <Screen Shot 2018-01-12 at 3.50.22 PM.png>
> After that, Cassandra does not work normally.
> The client fails to establish a connection and I see the following exceptions 
> in the Cassandra logs.
> org.apache.cassandra.db.UnknownColumnFamilyException: Couldn't find table for 
> cfId…… Digest 
> mismatch exception……
> After the data is forcibly deleted, Cassandra is restarted in a clean state 
> and works well.
> Can anyone guess why this is happening?
> Thank you in advance.

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